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PWNDocker via Digital Ocean

Sign up for the github education pack which will give you a $200 credit for Digital Ocean. If you don't want to or already have: this link will also give you $200: Digital Ocean Link.

IF YOU HAVE A COMMAND LINE YOU LIKE then setup an SSH key: USE THESE INSTRUCTIONS IF NOT then you'll use an emailed password.

Create a Digital Ocean droplet and follow my guidelines (they'll be: marketplace->docker; the cheapest CPU plan; NYC data center; your SSH key; hostname is CTFBox)

Once the droplet is up and running, copy the IP address and SSH in. (You can do ssh or if you're password driven you can click the console button.)

Now we will setup and run a docker image from docker-hub. This is awesome. Let's talk out why. The 3 lines to run are:

docker run -d     --rm     -h ${ctf_name}     --name ${ctf_name}     -v $(pwd)/${ctf_name}:/ctf/work     -p 23946:23946     --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE     skysider/pwndocker
docker exec -it ${ctf_name} /bin/bash

Here is a version one of our CTFers extended: